At Home Window Craft

At Home Window Craft

With everyone being at home, I came up with these easy window craft to do with the kids!

See another easy DIY project for kids HERE.

This at home window craft can be fun for everyone in the whole family!

With everything going on with social distancing, I wanted to come up with some ideas that we could do at home to help pass the time.

This craft isn’t even really a ‘craft’ because you could really do this with anything you have in the house already. No need to buy additional supplies!



  1. Trace one of the above stencils onto paper or print out the stencils

  2. Cut out the shape

  3. Decorate using whatever you have

  4. Hang in the windows

  5. Spread happiness to neighbors walking by

I thought this would be something fun that neighborhoods could do to feel social, without being together. Share with your neighbors and have them decorate with their kiddos. Then when you are out taking a walk, you can see how everyone has decorated their shapes!

It’s something small, but I feel that this is helping my mental health and not being so overwhelmed with news information.

Let’s start this window train and make our neighbors smile! Will you join me in making some at home window crafts?

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